Walk the (0)800 Toll Free Way to Reach High Customer Loyalty
2 min readChanging customer satisfaction into customer loyalty is critical as loyal customers are the best marketing for your company. But how to nurture Customer Loyalty in the age of corporate distrust? The general advice would be: improve Customer Service as it impacts both customer acquisition and customer retention. Listen to your customers and treat them the way they want to be treated. After all, they are the most valuable asset of your business.
The Customer Contact Council of Corporate Executive Board conducted a study of more than 75,000 people who had interacted over the phone or through self-service channels (such as the web, chat or e-mail) with contact-center representatives. The study confirmed that Word of Mouth really matters, as
• 25% of customers are likely to say something positive about their customer service experience
• 65% are likely to speak negatively
• 23% of customers who had a positive service interaction told 10 or more people about it
• 48% of customers who had negative experiences complained to 10 or more others
The above findings seem to challenge the conventional wisdom, that to increase loyalty, companies must “delight” customers by exceeding service expectation and achieving the highest possible Net Promoter Score, or NPS. Another metric, the Customer Effort Score seems to be more relevant in terms of customer loyalty, as CES asks customers, “How much effort did you personally have to put into solving a problem with the company?” It seems that reducing the customers’ effort – the time and money they have to invest – to get their problem solved is a very important factor in building customer loyalty.
To win in today’s competitive market, you must ensure that more of your customers are loyal, who not only continue to spend their money with you, but also generate income by advocating your company to others. At the same time, you cannot afford to give customers everything they want. In order to maximize profitability, you need to understand which company improvements will make the greatest impact on increasing customer loyalty.
Using 0-800/ITFN (International Toll Free Number) or 00-800 / UIFN (Universal International Freephone Number) freephone services is definitely one of these impactful company improvements.
Your customers will know that you want to make sure they get the best service you can provide, since they can contact you absolutely free via your 0-800 or 00-800 contact numbers.
Your customers will think that you would like them to call you if they have any questions, complaints or problems – in other words, they will think you run a trustworthy, reliable company.