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Best Stock Apps For iPad

Best Stock Apps For iPad

Do you need to keep in touch with the stock markets often and cannot think of a handheld device that will not keep you on the top of the markets? Well if you have gotten yourself a new iPad and need some guidance with which are the best stock apps to have on your device, we are here to help. Here is a comprehensive list of the best iPad stock apps that will help you manage your portfolio and keep a check on your portfolio’s performance.

Bloomberg for iPad (Free)

When you think of stock market news combined with financial analysis, Bloomberg is the only name that comes to mind. Needless to say then that this is the one app that is a must have for your iPad. Whether or not you are a serious trader, you are sure to glean a lot of information from the Bloomberg app. The reason why it is so useful is that it gives you information not just about the common exchanges but keeps you in sync with other exchanges around the world.

Stock Touch (Free)

If you are looking for a stock market app that has a cool user interface and also provides a good amount of data, you must try out Stock Touch. The main screen of this app lets you sort the stocks by their type. You can arrange your stock views according to pre-determined parameters. For instance you can sort out stocks according to the top 10 US sectors, ETfs or global markets.

Stock Market Pro ($5.99)

If its a no frills stock app you are looking out for that will serve as a replacement for a native stock app check out the Stock Market Pro. This is an app that can be used as a reference or at best a resource if you an unlimited number of portfolios to track. Casual users or those who are just getting initiated in the markets will find use for this app.

iChartist Stock, Futures and Forex Charts ($13.99)

This is an app that is strictly for those who know their business in the bourses. In this app you will find technical analysis and a whole host of professional charts such as Bollinger Bands, Average True Range etc that serve as tools to check out market trends. It is not recommended for those who are not serious traders on the Wall Street. The steep price of this app too suggests that it is not for the casual traders.

Stock Guru ($19.99)

This is an app that is also recommended for hardcore users. It will indeed serve as a powerful tool for stock analysis as it helps you come to a purchase or selling decision based upon risks, momentum, valuation and strength. Nearly 7000 stocks have been collated from NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE for this platform. For each of these stocks you get a whole variety of ratings including a special guru rating. If you are an avid user of stock apps you will love the interface too. Although this app comes with a steep price tag, serious traders will surely find good use for it.

For those who are regular watchers, stock market apps are a must for your iPad. With these great apps that are specially designed for the iOS platform, you will surely be able to keep better track of your portfolio.

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